Canadian naturist festival

North America has three national naturist organizations: the Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN), the Naturist Society (TNS), and the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR).

Each has its pluses and minuses. Membership in any one of the three is open to naturists regardless of country of residence. Many U. S. naturists actually prefer to belong to the FCN for various reasons, even though it’s the smallest of the three. One reason, at least in my opinion, is that it has the best publication: Going Natural.

All three organizations sponsor “gatherings” and “festivals” for their members to get together with other naturists outside their local area. The FCN added this feature only last year. Their second annual festival will be August 4-7 at a naturist club in the Montreal area. U. S. naturists, especially in the northeast, should give this one serious consideration, perhaps as an opportunity to visit Quebec and get to know its naturist resorts and locations better.

Originally published June 19, 2005