It’s a fine article, except for one thing that really, really irritates me: headline writers who cannot resist the temptation to use “The Naked Truth” as a headline for a story on naturism. I guess they think they’re being witty and original. Unfortunately, I’ve seen this used dozens of times. Oh, well. (By the way, headlines are often written by someone other than the writer of the story, so we won’t blame her.)
Jennifer Parks
Edmonton (Alberta) Sun
July 9, 2005
It took me less time than usual to get ready last Saturday morning, because I didn’t bother getting dressed before I went to work.
No, I’m not the newest member of the Naked News team.
Nor did a momentary lapse in judgment lead me to drop the bonds of modesty in a heap on the floor.
I wanted to enter the headspace of the people I was interviewing, who happened not to be wearing any clothes.
The rest of the article reports on conversations the author had with various members of the Helios Nudist Association near Edmonton. Nice article, but no surprises for experienced naturists.
Originally published July 11, 2005